I'm a developer with a focus on continuous learning and a passion for problem solving.
Private informationDescription
I'm a Full Stack developer with strong experience in various technologies, such as React.js, Node.js, Next.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, among others.
My experience spans diverse projects at WeKnow Inc. and others as a freelance, where I've had the opportunity to apply and improve my skills. With a focus on continuous learning and a passion for problem solving, I am confident in my ability to make a significant contribution to what you are looking for.
- WEKNOW Inc. As Full Stack Developer August 2021 - Currently working I worked as a Full Stack developer in international teams for a client and also in an internal platform and the Company's own sites.
The company's website, built (in 2023) with state-of-the-art
technologies like TypeScript, Next.js, Tailwind, Styled Components,
and incorporating Atomic Design principles.(Currently working on this project) The company's platform
provides tools for different areas of the company (Recruitment, HR,
Management, Clients/projects, employees, etc), and I take care of
maintaining it, creating new features and solving possible bugs. For
it I use React.js, Node.js, Meteor.js, MongoDB and Sass.For the Phase2 client I worked as Full Stack in different projects
with international teams, in them I used Drupal, PHP, SQL, Twig and
Sass. The projects are:
. Multiple E-commerce site (multiple clients and translated into
all languages), I worked on maintaining the site for 3 months,
making changes requested by clients and solving bugs that the
site had.
. We created in +2 months a new site for a company that needed
to train its employees, on the site you can see courses and
documentation. On this site I was able to create a custom
module and use multiple services.
. We created a new site for a museum in 2 months, where you
can see their works and also view/register for their events.
App for the foundation "Yo Soy La Inmaculada Madre
Del Divino Corazón Eucarístico de Jesús".
I created from scratch a new application for Android and IOs.
(Stage 2 in progress)
http://onelink.to/kjgyhz (Open with a cell phone).
Built with React.js and converted into an App by the guys at
https://convertify.app/es .Freelancer creating web pages for companies and
ventures (2018 - 2019).
I worked on them alone. I made them with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
. http://ctlargentinaconstructora.com/
. https://www.exelsusoncologia.com/
. http://clicmarketingdigital.com.ar/