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Resilient, dedicated, committed woman, Full Stack Developer, oriented towards the frontend.

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If adulthood stuns you, don't continue reading. I'm 50 years old. In my previous life I did a master's degree in Educational Psychology, this developed in me, among other things, discipline, structure, the ability to communicate ideas and teamwork. Now, I studied to be a Full Stack developer at Henry Bootcamp, and I continue studying, strengthening what I learned, I focus more towards the frontend, design and user experience.
Since my graduation I have developed different projects that you can see in my portfolio (Linkedin).
I handle, according to my level of experience, Javascript, reactjs, Redux, HTML, CSS, Figma, Docker, Mongodb, Postgresql, Expressjs, Material UI.
I want to work, I want to enter the IT arena, gain experience, learn, get that opportunity to express my creativity, intuition and learn from the best.
Thus, progressively, transforming into a better version of myself, as a frontend and a human being.
Here you can see some of my projects and download my CV: