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FullStack JavaScript Developer

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Hello! My name is Naren Luna, I am a software engineer and fullstack developer from Colombia. My tech stack is based on NodeJS on the backend and ReactJS on the frontend.
I have more than 2 years of experience creating REST APIs with NodeJS and Express.

My experience developing REST API includes:
- Management of NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and CouchDB.
- Management of SQL databases such as Postgres and MySQL.
- Authorization
- Authentication
- Validations
- Pagination
- File upload
- Documentation

I also have 3+ years of experience building complex UIs with ReactJS.
My Frontend experience includes:
- Development of reusable components.
- Custom Hooks.
- Integration with API.
- Responsive design.
- Management of public and private routes.
- Status management in the application.
- Scalable and easy to read code.